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Thursday, October 3, 2019

Unit of atomic mass unit

 u (unified)

Names of element found in water

 Hydrogen and oxygen

What is atomic of oxygen


How many atom remain virgin in one gram atomic mass of a substance

 6.022 × 10²³

What are two things that are represented by Mol

Number and mass

Value of Avogadro number

6.022 × 10²³

How many molecules are there in in 0.1 Mol NH3

 6.022 × 10²²

How many moles are equivalent to 1.8 gram of H2O

 0.1 Mol

Molecular formula of sulphur


In which form do ideal gas remain present in nature

 In atomic form

In which form is Oxygen gas present in nature

 In molecular form

Name the element used as a standard to measure atomic mass


Which postulate of Dalton's atomic theory can explain the law of Definite proportion

 Atoms of different elements combine to form compound

Which postulate of Dalton's atomic theory is the result of the law of conservation of mass

 Atoms are indivisible smallest particle that are neither created nor destroyed in chemical reaction

How many atoms are present in a PO³-4 ion


How many atoms are present in a H2S molecule

 Three atoms are present in a H2S molecule

What is meant by the term chemical formula

 Chemical formula of a compound remains symbolic representation of its composition

Formula and name of Potassium Sulphate

Potassium Sulphur and oxygen

Formula of baking powder

Sodium hydrogen carbon and oxygen

Formula of hydrogen Bromide


Quick lime

Calcium Oxygen and hydrogen
Chemical formula Can(OH)2

Name of compound represented by the formula CaCO3

Calcium carbonate

Name of compound represented by the formula KNO3

Potassium Nitrate

Name of compound represented by the formula K2SO4

Potassium Sulphate

Name of compound represented by the formula CaCl2

Calcium chloride

Name of compound represented by the formula Al2(SO4)3

Aluminium Sulphate

Formula of water


Formula of calcium carbonate


formula of copper nitrate


Formula of calcium chloride


Formula of magnesium chloride


formula of sodium sulphide


formula of aluminium chloride


formula of aluminium chloride


formula of sodium oxide


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

What is the boiling point of acetone

56.5 degree Celsius

example of solution of gas in water

Solution of oxygen in water

Example of solution of liquid into liquid

Solution of alcohol in water

What is the size of particle in solution

10 to the power minus 8 m ( less than 1 NM)

What is the size of particle of colloidal solution

 Between 10 to the power minus 7m To 10 to the power minus 5 cm (100NM -1 NM)

Colloidal solution example

 Shaving cream smoke in air


 Pound water smoke imitated from chimney

Solid SOL

Coloured gemstone milky glass


Jelly cheese butter


Milk of magnesia mud


Milk face cream


Shaving cream


 Fog cloud mist


 Solid sugar solution coal air blood


 Calcium carbonate Methane carbon dioxide soap


 Sodium silver tin silicon

Chemical changes

 Rusting of iron cooking of food digestion of food and burning of a candle are chemical changes

Tyndall effect

 Milk and a stretch solutions will show tyndall effect

Pure substance

 Iron hydrochloride acid calcium oxide and mercury are pure substance

Solutions among the mixture

 Sea water and soda water

What type of change is burning of paper and wood

 Chemical change

What type of change is making a fruit salad with raw fruit

 Physical change

What type of change in dissolving common salt in water

 Physical change

What types of change is passing of electric current through water and the water breaking down into hydrogen and oxygen gases

Chemical change

Change is boiling of water to form steam

 Physical change

What type of change in rusting of almirah

Chemical change

Melting of butter in a pan

Physical change

Cutting of trees

 Physical changes

Separation of different pigments from an extract of flower Petals


Separation of fine mud particles suspended in water


Separation of wheat grain from husk


Separation of iron pins from sand

 Magnetic separation

Separation of tea leaves from tea


Separation of oil from water

Funnel segregation

Separation of of small pieces of metal in the engine oil of a car


Separation of Ammonium Chloride from a mixture containing sodium chloride and ammonium chloride


Separation of sodium chloride from its solution in water


Name the technique to separate Camphor from Salt


Name the technique to separate salt from seawater


Name the technique to separate butter from curd
